Monday, September 30, 2019

Opportunities for Company Essay

Opportunities for Company Q to lead in the area of social responsibility Company Q’s attitude towards social responsibility appears to be nonexistent, possibly through ignorance or disconcert. Either way the lack of social responsibility affects their business and community’s perception of their business. It appears that the company management has never developed and ethics program that clearly defines the corporate culture including provisions for social responsibility. Profits, or at least a lack of losses appears to be a primary motivating factor for company Q’s management’s decisions. Company Q has been attempting to cut losses by closing stores that were losing money instead of finding innovative ways to increase revenues and profitability for the stores. Based on the known information, Company Q still has ample opportunity to build a socially responsible reputation within the community it serves and at the same time create profits for its shareholder s. Simple and cost-effective changes could be implemented in a relatively short amount of time and the benefits to the community, employees and the company itself could be realized within a reasonable amount of time. There are at least three ways that Company Q can make a positive affect within the community that it serves while increasing revenues and profitability for shareholders. First area of improvement: Take those previous customer requests for health conscience and organic products and turn them into reality within their stores. For many years, Company Q’s customers have been requesting health conscience and organic products sold at Company Q’s stores. The company’s efforts to provide this for its customers have been weak at best. The company’s management has the ethical duty to be positively reactive to its customers requests, so long as those requests are not illegal, immoral, irresponsible or unethical. Since requests are for products that benefit the health of customers, company Q needs to act to deliver those requested products in a manner that is consistent with its goals of profitability. In this case, the company has the ability to show social responsibility in bringing healthier products into its stores and have the added benefit that these items are high-margin, delivering profit opportunities to company shareholders. Because the items are high-margin, the costs of purchasing a reasonable supply and variety of items is relatively low as compared to lower margin items that are most  likely currently stocked in each store. The company even has an opportunity to reduce costs in the stores purchases by eliminating similar products that are lower in margin to the ones that they will be bringing in based on customer requests. Promotion of the social responsibility plan is important. With no additional cost in advertising, company Q can promote these new healthy products in its ad vertising. Doing so can bring back some of their lost business as well as bring in new customers to the stores. This situation is a win not only for Company Q but is also a win for customers and employees. The additional profits from higher-margin items will assist the company in creating wages that are appropriate for each position and opportunities for advancement in pay and position for its employees. This can help create an atmosphere that retains employees and reduces turnover, consequently, reducing the costs of obtaining and training new employees on a regular basis. Second area of improvement: Donations to local food banks, shelters and other charities Company Q experiences a direct loss of not only the potential profit from but the actual cost of day-old items that are thrown away. In doing so, the company experiences these costs with no benefit to the company. This method of handling the old items not only costs the company dollars in loss but also does not allow the company to reap the benefits of a socially responsible positive image to its customers and employees. Company Q’s management has taken the approach that by donating the day-old items it leaves the possibility for employees to steal from the company. A thorough plan of documentation for the donation process will help in ensuring that the donations go where they are intended and minimize risk of employee theft. One part of this plan would be to have the food bank pick up the donated items on a daily or weekly basis. As part of the donation process the food bank employee and the store employee would sign an inventory of the items picked up. This inventory tracking could be used by the stores as proof for prospective tax deductible donation on federal and/or state taxes. Any legal reductions in tax liability, improves profitability for the company. Company Q can benefit with a more socially responsible image to its customers and employees each time the food bank truck pulls up to the store and is being loaded with donated food. Food banks are not the only opportunity to show company philanthropy to the community. Making donations and collecting donations from the community for  homeless shelters and other worthy charitable organizations is yet another avenue to show the community that Company Q is active in social responsibility. Shelters and other charitable organizations are in need of items that the stores may not be able to sell to their customers for donation, but when customers and employees bring in donated items such as clothing, personal appliances and possibly furniture, these items could be collected at or near the store and be picked up by these charitable organizations. This gives the store an opportunity to receive business from those that are dropping off donations, by going in to the store and purchasing items that they may need for themselves and do it in one simple trip. These type of donation events can be listed in their existing advertising and give customers another reason to come by the store. Third area of improvement: Create opportunities for employees as well as customers to share in the charitable activities that promote social responsibility. As part of its change in being more socially responsible, Company Q could directly involve its customers by making donation bins available in stores for customers to purchase items and donate to the food bank. Advertising this in the store is good, but including it in their existing ad campaign could bring in customers that appreciate socially responsible businesses. Not only is this the sale of the items additional revenue for Company Q, but it allows customers to be directly involved in donation, which in turn creates even more goodwill for Company Q. In addition to customer involvement, employees can be directly involved in developing a socially responsible image of the company. Company Q could organize and promote employees assisting at food bank locations. These employees could go in for one day each month or each quarter and work within the food bank in one of many areas that the food bank needs physical labor for. Company Q could pay the employee’s their regular wages and be may able to take tax deductions for the wages paid to employees while assisting the food bank. This approach is another win for all parties involved. The food bank wins with donated labor, the employees win by being paid for the time worked at the food bank and Company Q wins by showing social responsibility in its community and gaining goodwill for itself in the process. In conclusion, Company Q can develop an ethics program and implement a plan for social responsibility that helps those within its community and increase its revenue and profits  in doing so.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Should Public High School Students Have Access to “The Kite Runner”‘s Content

Should Public High School students have access to â€Å"The Kite Runner†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœs content? Khaled Hosseni’s famous novel, â€Å"The Kite Runner† is one of the most popular books of the decade. It is #1 New York Bestseller with sold more than 10 million copies. Even though the book has immense popularity, the book is banned in several countries including Afghanistan, Hosseni’s mother land because of its sexual orientation and the use of vulgar language. The government believes the novel will outrage the Afghan community and may lead to chaotic situation.Even though some advocates of banning the novel for education curriculum may argue that, the book contains rapes in graphic detail, the use of vulgar language, offensive language and ethnic tensions, these romantic critics are too dogmatic in their provincial ideology. Hosseni’s novel, â€Å"The Kite Runner† shouldn’t be banned from high school students because of its teaching about loyal ty, forgiveness, sacrifice and also provides an insight of real world alongside its immense popularity.Khaled Hosseni’s best-seller book, â€Å"The Kite Runner† shouldn’t be banned from high school curriculum. The book demonstrates different incidents which provide important lessons for the reader through its quotes. For example, when Amir talked about sin, Baba said, â€Å"No matter what the mullah teaches, there is only one sin, only one. And that is theft† (Hosseni, 17). Baba believed stealing is the only sin a person can commit; other crimes are just different form of crime.This demonstrates the discouragement of vice, exists in the novel, which has great impact on reader’s mind. Additionally, the book provides a depth insight of the real world. It demonstrates the depravity of the war, the importance of kinship and also encourages people to stand up for the truth and demolish the false. So that’s why the book shouldn’t be banned. On the other hand, the opponents of the idea argue to deny the access of book to public high school students for various reasons. The book contains a sodomy rape scene in graphic detail which is arguably inappropriate for high school students. †(Green, Tracy. It’s Banned Book of the Week? Why Kite Runner? www. authorexposure. com . Sept 30, 2009. Web. April 13, 2013. http://www. authorexposure. com/2009/09/its-banned-book-week-why-kite-runner. html) As Assef tries to teach Hassan a lesson, â€Å"Assef knelt behind Hassan, put his hand on Hassan’s hips and lifted his bare buttocks. He kept one hand on Hassan’s back and undid his own belt buckle with his free hand. He unzipped

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Computer as a way of life

1.0 IntroductionIn today’s modern age where computer has become a way of life, it is evident that a majority of the country’s institutions still do not adapt the high technology. We all know that modern schools are now operating at great pace striving to serve as many students as possible with the best of their abilities. But as the years rolled by, the number of students has grown and various private and public schools arise that the manual method of monitoring students is no longer practical.In this study, the developer is hoping to develop a system that will help not only the students, but the whole campus as well. Adding function for the provided identification barcode of the ID school, and keeping track of students who will be enrolled to avoid trespassers that may cause unlikely activities such as stolen valuables, and the like, therefore will allow professors, guards, and staff ease in keeping the campus secured and monitored during the entrance of students †“ a system that will be automated, user-friendly, time effective, and efficient.1.1 Background of the StudyOur Lady of Perpetual Succor School, OLOPSS, came as a vision to a couple from Laoag City, Dionisio Alonzo Salvador, Sr. and wife Carmen Caday Salvador who found home in Marikina in the early 70’s. In 1995, College Department was opened, changing the school name into Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College, OLOPSC.During the developer’s college years since 2010 in Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College, OLOPSC, school IDs have their own barcodes, with only one function, for the use of the library. Where it is scanned by a barcode scanner or reader, to know if there are any other borrowed books that will be, or haven’t been returned.Now more than ever, growth of popularity have increased, that is why students enrolling to different universities and colleges increases. A college or university is primarily devoted to the progress and security of students. Basical ly, students spend a substantial amount of time in classrooms and/or laboratories waiting for information to be delivered by teachers/professors, and the safety performed by the security guards.The degree to which the students are satisfied with the knowledge and safety received is relative not only to the professors' expertise in their field and the guards' duties, but also to the quality of the school management. And we all know that as the number of students continually increase, maintaining the security of a school can also become increasingly difficult, especially if everything is done manually.1.2 Conceptual FrameworkInputs ProcessOutputsFigure 1.Paradigm for barcode enabled entrance system in college.1.3 Objectives of the StudyGeneral Objective: The general objective of this study is to design and develop an automated security help solution that will serve as a proposal to help security guards monitor the difference of enrolled students from not enrolled students and trespass ers. Specific Objective:1.To automate the entrance security system of students entering the campus; 2.To allow security guards to retrieve a student's status whether enrolled or not; 3.To let the security guards distinguish a student from a trespasser.1.4 HypothesisFrom the early data that has been gathered, the developer is able to conduct the study that the current school security is done manually and now requires automation.On the data that will be gathered from different sources, the developer will be able to come up to an intelligent guess that the creation of the proposed Barcode Enabled Entrance System, or BEES, will be probable and that its development will be beneficial to the whole college campus of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College, OLOPSC.1.5 Statement of the ProblemSpecifically, this study aims to answer the following: 1.What are the common problems encountered with the existing manual system of entrance security? 2.What are the possible solutions to the problems enc ountered with the current system? 3.What is the difference between the manual system of security and the proposed security help system? 4.Is it possible to design and develop an automated security system that will help security guards to monitor the entrance of each student? 5.Will the said system really be useful not only for the security guards, but also for the whole school? 6.Will the system really provide a user-friendly interface for the convenience of the security guards and students? 7.What will be the cons of the proposed system?1.6 Significance of the StudySocio-economic significance. In this study, the proposed system will inspire other students to develop an effective and efficient system.Technological significance. The proposed system will introduce technology to other schools, colleges and universities that are until now adapting the manual method of security management.The result of this study will be beneficial to the following:College. The proposed system will autom ate everyday security tasks during entrances of the students and can help maximize time spent with all of the students thereby providing better service.Security Guards. The proposed system will make it easier for the security guards to manage the students entering the campus and convenient when it comes to determining a student of the institution or not.Students. Students are the school's principal assets. And the reason why this study is conducted is to provide a solution to the security guards' need to better secure the students and the campus.Professors and Other Staffs. Professors and staffs can benefit from this study, as they are an integral part of the whole college institution.Researcher. The researcher will develop her writing, analysis, and interpretation skills needed to make a good thesis.Future Researchers. This will benefit other researchers who wish to have similar studies as they can get background information from the result of  this study which will serve as temp late to modify their research.1.7 Scope and DelimitationIn general, the focus of this study is directed towards the design and development of an automated security help system. The study will be conducted within the vicinity of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College, Marikina City with its students, professors, security guards, and staffs will be randomly selected from June 2013 to March 2014. The study is largely dependent on the honesty, sincerity and integrity of the respondents.1.8 Definition of TermsDefinition of terms has been provided in order to clarify words that might be foreign to different readers: Automated. Use of machines which can do the work easy and faster instead of people. Barcode. Series of black and white that holds data relating to the object which it is attached. Barcode Scanner / Barcode Reader. Electronic device for reading printed barcodes. Computer.An automatic electronic machine which calculates data and performs commands given to it by a person who uses i t. Developer. A person who develops something such as an idea, a design, or a product. Efficient. Always functioning at the highest of standards, and finding the best possible solution. Function. Operation that a particular object performs.High Technology. Use of new advanced machines and equipment.Institution. A large important organization.Integral. Important or necessary.Interface. Presentation on screen and how easy it is to operate. Maintenance. Keeping something in good condition by regularly checking it and repairing it when necessary. Manual. Operated by hand, rather than by electricity or a motor. Method. Particular way of doing something.Paradigm. A model for something which explains or shows how it can be produced. Security. Measures that are taken to ensure that only people with permission enter it or leave it. Socio-economic. Combination of social and economic factors.Substantial. Large in amount.System. Set of elements or components that interact to accomplish goals. T echnology. Result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes. Template. Basis.User. A person who uses something such as a facility, product, or machine. User-friendly. A machine or system that is well designed and easy to use. Variable. Factor that can change in quality, quantity, or size, which needs to take into account in a situation. Vicinity. Near or along a particular place.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Real Meaning of the Type of Animal Caregiving Research Paper

The Real Meaning of the Type of Animal Caregiving - Research Paper Example Animal rights advocates have been campaigning for the proper treatment and care of every being other than man. One of the most popular advocacies is the crusade against the use of fur as a wardrobe that well-known fashion models have been supporting. It is also known all over that dog-fighting is highly discouraged. There are a lot of animal rights to enumerate. But as people become aware of the animals’ privileges are they also conscious of proper veterinary care for these beings? Veterinary care is sort of mind, not just the animals’ welfare, but their health in particular. Understanding the term and its etymology will help us understand the real meaning of this type of animal caregiving. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (â€Å"Veterinary†) states that the term veterinary derives from a Latin word veterinarians that pertains to beasts of burden. It is similar to the Latin veter- and fetus that is related to the practice or the knowledge in â€Å"prevention, c ure, or alleviation of disease and injury in animals, especially domestic animals.† The people who practice such skill and knowledge are called veterinarians. They also carry the title of â€Å"doctor.† But veterinarians are often regarded with lesser professional esteem compared to the physicians of human beings. Hence, few have developed an interest in this field. But why is veterinary care important? Apart from rabies, there are already a number of deadly animal diseases known to the world, one of which is avian influenza. These diseases can also be fatal when transmitted to humans.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Family Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

Family Law - Essay Example Hester argues that the Children Act 1989 re-defined child care law by introducing new measures for working with children and families in both public and private family law2. Generally speaking, the CA embodies a fresh approach to working with and for children and under section 8 of the CA, the court can make four types of order within family proceedings in respect of the child’s welfare, with the main provisions being a residence and contact order. Section 8 of the CA replaces the previous custody orders with contact orders and the new system of private ordering was intended to promote and continue parental responsibility post divorce with minimum interference by the court3. Moreover, in the consultation process, Lord Mackay asserted that â€Å"while the law can sever the legal bond between husband and wife, the law in family disputes should do nothing that appears to weaken bond between parent and child4†. Therefore the issue of contact and child parent bond is vital and embodied in the spirit of the Children Act 1989. The consultation process research indicates that the most important factor in child’s adjustment is the quality of post divorce arrangements for all family members, which was highlighted in the official papers that led to the 1989 Act, such as Law Com No. 172, â€Å"Review of Child Law – Guardianship and Custody†5. A vital element in a child’s adjustment is a continuing relationship with both parents6. Children ultimately want two active involved parents7 and the July 2004 HMG Green Paper â€Å"Parental separation: Children’s needs and parent’s responsibilities†8 highlighted that it is vital to handle the process of contact and separation to reduce the impact of separation and divorce on children, which requires preservation of the parent/child bond wherever possible9. Whilst, no law can force someone to be an active parent as radically postulated by Helen Conway,10 it can nevertheless encourage that role even post separation. Prior

Albatross anchors part 2 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Albatross anchors part 2 - Case Study Example Moreover, the plant which includes the functions of manufacturing, storage of raw materials and shipping fails to abide by the safety along with environmental standards in the United States (US) presently. Thus, in order to achieve an obvious as well as a sustainable competitive position, Albatross Anchor requires making certain long as well as short term direct and definite operational changes. In this discussion, definite long and short term operational alterations that Albatross Anchor should create in order to attain a sustainable as well as an apparent competitive advantage will be taken into concern. Moreover, a few of the operational issues which would support the company to improve the aspect of job retention, morale and dedication of its employees will also be highlighted in the discussion. Question One Long-term operational changes 01 Albatross Anchor needs to transform its administrative offices as a part of the long-term operational change for the purpose of attaining a c omprehensible as well as a sustainable competitive benefit. It has been observed that the company already has certain issues concerning its administrative offices which are considered to be somewhat disorganized and operated inefficiently. In order to run its administrative offices more efficiently as well as in an organized manner, the company should properly utilize its valuable resources such as the deployment of workers should be made in a manner so as to ensure efficiency in terms of performing different operational functions. Moreover, the company should build an effective form of communication with its other members which would ultimately support it to run its administrative offices in an organized way (Curristine, Lonti & Joumard, 2007). 02 Apart from making the operational changes relating to the administrative offices, the company should also make certain changes in its plant which involves functions related to manufacturing, storage of raw materials, shipping and storage of finished products. It has been viewed that the plant of the company lacks the inclusion of modern technology, is antiquated as well as dirty and most importantly it fails to comply with the US safety and environmental standards. In this similar context it can be mentioned that the company should apply innovative as well as new technologies which are supposed to comply with the safety as well as environmental standards. Moreover, in relation to the operational change, the company should also expand the limited space of the plant by building new blocks in order to run its business operations efficiently. By building new blocks, different innovative technological equipments can be stored and implemented which might support the company to attain a superior competitive position (Curristine, Lonti & Joumard, 2007). 03 Another operational change that Albatross Anchor should adopt in order to achieve a sustainable competitive benefit relates to the procedure of selling its products. The company usually sells its manufactured products to the distributors who act as middlemen. Moreover, the company also sells its products to the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s) who purchases the products of the company in large batches. Apart from selling the products to the distributors and the OEM’s, the company can sell its valuable products online for the motive of accomplishing significant competitive advantage. In this regard it can be mention

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Information security management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Information security management - Essay Example Both threats and vulnerabilities need to be considered concurrently. Threats can provide damage to the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information present in the information systems. They explore opportunities for security breaches to cause confidential data invasion via unauthorized access, amendment of data, removal of information from information systems. Threats can hit the network from various sources. Threats are confidential on the parameters of different capabilities and approach including external approaches by cyber criminals, hackers, terrorists. For handling threats of different nature different risk mitigation and control methodologies are required in the context of protecting the prioritized information systems. Vulnerabilities are the weaknesses which are present in the system against the current threats. Vulnerabilities can be distinguished as security loop holes in the system. If hackers find these loop holes in the system, results are devastating incl uding unauthorized access, amendment or complete deletion of the system. A recent example is the hacking of wiki leaks website which impacted the whole world and also affected strategic and economic relations between countries as various confidential documents were leaked out from the website. Vulnerabilities are successful due to policy weaknesses, inadequate implementation of security infrastructure, and information of personal issues. For identifying any possible threats, testing of the security infrastructure including network components, hardware and software is essential which may occur in the future. The risk is defined as the likelihood of different threats via different circumstances, which are affecting the network and information systems. The circumstances should consider the strategy, security measures, environmental measures, own experience and the experience of other connected entities in the context of information security failure. The impact calculation is also requi red in terms of data integrity, availability; confidentiality and the cost associated with the fixing systems, lost availability and other related issues which are of prime concern to the network and information system operations. Measurements consist of Cost which is used to protect the information and systems Value of the information and information systems Threat probability and occurrence Effectiveness of Controls Hazards determine the identities and quantities of any chemicals or harmful substances present as pollute causes in the environment. There are different type of hazards required for cleaning and maintenance of the office furniture and items. Hazards may masquerade to human health or the network and information systems when spilled out accidentally by mistake. They also require flammable characteristics which may occur in severe threats and help to increase fire or other incidents. Assets are the components serving internally, as well as externally, within the network. Assets can be divided in to several different information technology environments. The physical infrastructure contains Servers, workstations, data centers, switches, routers etc. The core infrastructure contains virtual private networks, Microsoft active directory, domain controllers, email servers etc. The Internet infrastructure co

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

No-Fault Divorce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

No-Fault Divorce - Essay Example In the first decade of this century the grown of divorce rates has reached almost epidemic proportions in the United States with as many as 12 million divorces registered over the 1990s which is the highest the developed world (Williams, 2000). Consequently, a number of experts view no-fault divorce as one of the key contributors to the increasingly high divorce rates in the US. Even brief analysis of the no-fault legislation and specifics of divorce granted under it suggests that such belief relies on solid evidence and might be absolutely correct: no-fault laws in their current form must be revised on the basis of sociological and legal experience that has been accumulated over the last three decades. The concept of no-fault divorce does not require demonstration of any proofs or evidences of wrong-doing to dissolve a marriage. The first state to adopt no-fault laws was California where they came in force on January 1, 1970. The example of California was soon followed by other states that implemented similar legislation. Prior to that, the procedure for obtaining a divorce involved mandatory provision of evidences demonstrating fault of one of the spouses. Requirements to the nature of such evidences were strict too. It was not sufficient to make a mere statement of not loving the spouse: only a proved case of committed adultery, wrongdoing, abandonment or other serious guilt qualified as a valid reason for divorce. At the same time, the spouse who preferred to save marriage had most instruments to do so. Therefore, it was up to the judge to weigh all evidences provided by both sides to the marriage, and often the decision regarding granting divorce was negative (Baskerville, 200 0). The sophisticated divorce procedure forced many couples who did not commit any act sufficient for the court to grant divorce seek for the way to bypass it. This resulted in numerous tricks and legal fictions invented by lawyers to satisfy the needs of such couples. For the most part, these tricks were based on false testimonies. This tendency produced highly negative response from the legal community with numerous judges and lawyers arguing against the excessively strict divorce procedure. The key concern was that such increase of perjury cases occurrence might undermine the reputation and integrity of the US system of justice. Advocates of a simplified divorce procedure claimed that adoption of no-fault laws was a better choice than forcing spouses continue living together or making perjury (Friedman, 2002). Although the no-fault legislation apparently simplified the divorce procedure, there has recently been a considerable movement for revocation of no-fault laws in the United States. Several key problems are associated with the concept of no-fault divorce. Firstly, the initial objective pursued by authors and advocates of no-fault laws was to facilitate dissolution of marriage by mutual consent of both spouses. However, it turned out that in most cases mutual consent was not in place and the new procedure enabled any party to the marriage to dissolve it without the other party's agreement. Thus, according to some estimates four out of five no-fault divorces were unilateral with only one of the spouses insisting on ending the marriage (Baskerville, 20

Monday, September 23, 2019

Case study write up Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Write up - Case Study Example his case, one strongly believes that there are organizational and structural problems that contribute to Chet’s level of stress, particularly found in the way that the organizational chart is designed. As shown in Figure 2.7, Chet’s position as Central Plant Manager indicates governing jurisdiction to 16 lines or chains of command. This means that 16 different personnel, with diverse responsibilities could report to him directly. Therefore, to manage stress using time management, Chet must recommend to higher management that the organizational structure be re-evaluated and redesigned so that stressors could be eliminated or minimized, as needed. As recommended in Whetton and Cameron’s management strategies for eliminating stressors (Table 2.3) through delegating responsibilities, collaboration and team building, work redesign and goal setting, the stress level of Chet would be appropriately managed. Based on developing self-awareness, Chet could manifest high levels of task motivation where he exemplified the desire to accomplish the defined open-end unit schedule but his persistence and productivity levels do not adhere to his defined objectives and goals. The inability to achieve these goals thereby contributes to his level of stress, in conjunction to his awareness that there needs to be a balance between time spent for his family and also to pursue leisure activities for his personal and professional growth. 4) Based on the case and your assessment of Chet’s personality, how would you advise Chet? What strategies/tools, and concepts from the chapter would you suggest to him to increase his effectiveness and lower his stress as a manger. Based on the case and on one’s assessment of Chet’s personality, one would advise Chet to recommend to management a redesign of the organizational structure so that the personnel to report directly to him would be reduced and categorized according to human resources, inventory management, night operations and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mycenae and Agamemnon Essay Example for Free

Mycenae and Agamemnon Essay Mycenae lies about 90 kilometres south-west of Athens. From around 1600BC-1100BC Mycenae was a highly wealthy and influential city, dominating much of southern Greece. The Mycenaean Era was named in reference to the city. THE DISCOVERY OF MYCENAE It was Heinrich Schliemann who first completely excavated the city of Mycenae. The controversial archaeologist was searching for evidence that Agamemnon, the king who led the Greeks to fight Troy in the Trojan War. Schliemann was determined to prove that the Trojan War was a real event; in fact his career was based around his desire for this. After failing to find any definitive evidence in his search for Troy, he turned to Mycenae. In 1841 another archaeologist had found and restored the Lion Gate that marks the entrance to the city of Mycenae, but Schliemann was the first to systematically excavate the entire site. He believed that the Homeric tales described actual historical events and used his discoveries at Mycenae to back this up. DISOVERIES MADE AT THE SITE Discovered in Grave Circle A by Schliemann’s team, a dagger shows the militaristic values of the Mycenaean’s. From the weapons buried with most of the bodies found, we can deduct that the Mycenaean’s were not a peaceful people. They revelled in fighting, as shown by the violent motifs on their stelae and decorative weapons. Most graves featured full sets of weapons, both real and decorative. We can assume that life for the men of Mycenae would have had a heavy focus on fighting , with men of higher status being shown as brave fighters. This is also shown through the architecture of the city, particularly the Cyclopean walls. These huge walls show a need for a defensive attitude, which demonstrates the Mycenaean’s military attitude. On this dagger there is a depiction of a lion hunt, which shows that the Mycenaean’s hunted for sport. This further reflects the aggressive principles of the city. Double axe and bull motifs show a Minoan influence in Mycenaean culture. Within the graves in Grave Circle A there were many objects that had been made in Mycenae but in Minoan style. This reflects an appreciation for Minoan design and an obvious link through trade and travel between Minoan Crete and Mycenae. Later the former would be conquered by the latter. In Mycenae there would have been trading of goods from Minoan Crete and an admiration of the techniques, since they were implemented in wares produced within Mycenae. The graves themselves also shed light upon burial practises and status in Mycenae. The graves themselves are shaft graves, 4 metres deep with the dead placed in a cist at the bottom along with many decadent grave goods. The Grave would sometimes be marked with a stone Stele at ground level. These stelae would be used to depict things like chariot scenes, showing the heroic nature of the deceased buried below. The grave goods showed the status of the deceased, with gold and weapons showing a higher status. This shows that burial was not only a valued practise, but also reflected status and worth, depending on what you were buried with. The so-called â€Å"Nestor’s Cup† was a particularly important discovery for Schliemann. His team recovered the vessel from Shaft Grave IV and Schliemann identified it as the â€Å"Cup of Nestor† as written about in the Illiad. However the cup differs from Homer’s description in number of handles, the design of the birds, and size. It also is from the wrong time to have been used in the Trojan War according to some critics. However, this didn’t discourage Schliemann from his firm belief in the Homeric tales. This is one of the many discoveries Schliemann made that he believed contributed to proving that the tales detail historical events. CONTROVERSIES Within a shaft grave V Schliemann discovered a skeleton with a gold mask covering his face- a face which he believed was that of the legendary Agamemnon. However, in recent years critics have developed more and more arguments to the effect that the mask may be a hoax. William Calder gives the following reasons for his sceptical nature towards Schliemann’s find: The features of the mask are inconsistent with the other masks found; Schliemann had considered making fakes of the gold he found at Troy to give forgeries to give to the government; contemporaries of Schliemann allege that he planted artefacts to later â€Å"discover† them; the excavations at both Mycenae and Troy had been closed just a few days after the discovery of the gold, suggesting that he was expecting to find these treasures and nothing else; excavations were closed for 2 days shortly before Schliemann found the mask, what could Schliemann have been doing; Sophia allegedly has a relative in Athens that was a goldsmith; No other Mycenaean grave has anywhere near what was discovered in shaft grave V; Schliemann had claimed he had excavated other finds elsewhere, when it was later revealed that he had bought them. David Traill suggests that perhaps the Agamemnon mask wasn’t manufactured, but found from a later tomb. Both of his appeals for a scientific examination of the mask have been denied by the Greek authorities. In response to Calder and Traill many argue that their claims are unfounded and lack any scholarly backing, and have their own arguments in response. They insist that Schliemann was carefully monitored by Greek authorities throughout his excavation, which both Calder and Triall admit to in their own publishing. Kenneth Lapatin explains that the days where Calder alleged Schliemann had time to get a mask made, were before any masks had been found yet. Although he does admit it is possible the mask may have been â€Å"enhanced† after it was discovered. Both sides of the debate present both personal opinions and insinuations mixed in with actual fact. Considering the dishonest nature of Schliemann it is easy to believe he planted the mask. But when considering the work at Mycenae alone, there is no undoubtable evidence to suggest that he was dishonest about that particular find, only rumour and hearsay. From the collections of circumstantial suggestions put forward by Triall and Calder, their theories become increasingly believable. However, some parts of their arguments seem reminiscent of conspiracy theories, so perhaps it’s best to take the mask as an important –if disputed- archaeological find, but not proving the existence of Agamemnon. BIBILOGRAPHY eh351.jsp?obj_id=2573,_Mycenae

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Reforming the Legal Rights of Patients in Pakistan

Reforming the Legal Rights of Patients in Pakistan â€Å"If they are unwilling to understand your pain make them feel it.† Kevin Schaller THE PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO RECTIFY DEFICIENCIES IN THE LAW Background One sentence triggered me to work on the patient rights which is a Doctor be treated as patients to make them realize that how hard is it to be a patient’. In Pakistan the basic fundamental rights of patients globally acknowledged (Right to Information; Right to Consent; Right to Free Choice; Right to Privacy and Confidentiality; Right to Respect of Patients’ Time; Right to the Observance of Quality Standards; Right to Safety; Right to Avoid Unnecessary Suffering and Pain; Right to Complain; and Right to Compensation; Right to Preventive Measures; Right of Access; Right to Innovation and Right to Avoid Unnecessary Suffering and Pain) have not been adequately secured by the law, especially rights breached through malpractice and negligence by the medical vocation and the main reason being the inability of the aggrieved patients to file ‘Suit for the Recovery of Damages etc.’ in court of law under tort being incognizance about these rights that have not been legislated and are predicated on the unwritten common law. We overviewed the domestic legislation about the patients’ rights that enabled us to point out gaps and deficiencies in the domestic legislation in the cannon of patients’ rights which are being violated by healthcare providers. This work will enable the legislators in ameliorating the quality of life of patients. The rectification if only possible if special legislation is made keeping in view the deficiencies, gaps and lapses in the domestic legislation. Thus, bringing the gaps and ambiguities, subsisting in the domestic legislation, in the lime light is additionally desideratum of hour if this country is solemnly wishes to amend the quality of human rights bulwark in patients care in Pakistan. Due to absence of any statutory legal framework the healthcare provider’s elaborate their own code, charter, code, rules and regulation with immunity or case law. While recognizing not only that doctors owe a fundamental duty of care to their patients but also that there is need to reform the present legal framework of the profession, it is essential to ensure that the focus of all reform is on distinguishing those doctors that act in good faith and to the best of their ability from those that are negligent, rash or reckless and on punishing only the latter with appropriate and objective severity. A solution lacking this balance will drive out any good doctors that may still remain in the country and leave the field open to their less vigilant peers to play with the lives of patients according to their whims. The Proposed Title of legislation: (Special Code for Healthcare) Therefore, to avoid legal conflicts, gaps, duplications, technical flaws, and vague norms found in current health care legislation discussed in the ‘prompt action’ domain of issues, unification, and codification of healthcare laws is desirable. Owing to significant influence from the continental legal system on patients’ rights the Pakistani legal system offers an opportunity for such unification by the creation of what might be titled the ‘Special Code of Healthcare.’ This approach can eliminate the need for different definitions for identical or similar terms and concepts, and would help to avoid conflicts, inconsistencies, and other gaps currently found both in terms of legal procedure and content due to which the patients in Pakistan are enormously being violated without halt. Therefore, making bases to this study, a package of legislative amendments was presented to the ministry of labor, health, and soon the Ministry will review the suggested amendments and orchestrating to issue orders to fine-tune deficiencies in the country’s health care legislation. The study has additionally accommodated as a reference guide for the Ministry’s legislative work, whose deliberations in this realm are underway, therefore, legislation to rectify the deficiencies, imperfections, gaps and lapses in the domestic legislation can be ascertained in two parts: PART-I Based on these findings, a number of recommendations follow and the problematic issues fall into three steps: Prompt Action Here we deal with technical legal flaws i.e. definitions of Right to Information; Right to Consent; Right to Free Choice; Right to Privacy and Confidentiality; Right to Respect of Patients’ Time; Right to the Observance of Quality Standards; Right to Safety; Right to Avoid unnecessary Suffering and Pain; Right to Complain; and Right to Compensation, ‘informed consent’, ‘the rights of a patient’s relative’, and ‘implied consent’ can be categorized as prompt action to act forthwith and without delay. Such problems do not need additional discussions about healthcare policy and for determining the rights we have discussed at length are supposed to be made available to all patients for which the recommendations offered are sufficient and adequate in order to make special legislation for administration of justice efficiently through setting up special courts and tribunals throughout Pakistan giving relief to aggrieved patients within the period of six months. As special baking, antiterrorist, consumers, labors etc courts are already set up in Pakistan in the interest of public. The patient relative should establish the priority ordering of ascending and descending relatives, or at least adopt the procedural framework established by Muhamdan laws determining different stages of heir: stage-1, (decedent’s children, spouse and parents, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren), stage-2 (siblings of the decedent; nieces and nephews and their children) and stag-3 (grandparents; great grandparents), 4th class (uncles and aunts), 5th class (first cousins; their children). The ambiguity and vagueness of the terms and rights of Patients could be addressed by eliminating the word â€Å"etc.† or any other word creating doubts while interpreting it. Therefore, the new proposed legislation must ensure by clearly defining the terms ‘implied consent’ by providing an exhaustive list of the situations and legal triggers when implied consent can be invoked. As for as, the term medical malpractice is concerned the issue of unacceptably restrictive scope could be resolved by using the term â€Å"healthcare provider† instead of â€Å"physician etc† in defining the term â€Å"medical malpractice† because â€Å"healthcare provider† extends liability to other individuals and institutional entities involved in the provision of healthcare. To resolve the ambiguities, the legal definition of medical malpractice could be formulated as follows: â€Å"Medical malpractice shall be an unlawful action or act of omission of a healthcare provider, which has resulted in a patient’s death or disorganization of health, or has inflicted moral and/or material damage to a patient.† Likewise, in the realm of confidentiality, the proposed special law should be prepared so that a patient’s information be made available to third parties, including investigative bodies subject to provision of a court order. The proposed law must also specify when it is justified to disclose patient information for forensic medical examination purposes and either a court order or the consent of the patient or his or her legal representative must be required for disclosing the information. The proposed law on the Rights of Patients must expand the characterization of cases when information should be provided to next of kin or guardians of incapacitated individuals and it should also specify that patients possess the right to receive any other medical information related to their medical histories, treatment procedures, and personal identity. The obligations of medical professionals and institutions to provide information in such cases must be clearly delineated. Public Policy There is a rather large group of issues where legislative action can be taken only after choices and priorities are first determined in public policy arena and the issues falling under this category, recommendations of technical legal analysis are not sufficient for remedial legal framework; however, these findings do help flag legislative norms that must be fleshed out or otherwise amended. These ‘public policy’ issues include the scope, limit and circumstance under which ‘medical malpractice’, ‘confidentiality of information’, and ‘patients’ right to information etc can be determined. The situation is more complex regarding the issues in this domain, as decisions need to be made in the public policy area first and only then can these decisions be reflected in legislative reforms. Furthermore, ambiguities and controversies in the healthcare policy arena need to be resolved and priorities defined before legislative action. Deliberation Extensively Required The thesis has identified several topics i.e. as patient safety, rights of healthcare providers etc with respect to which there is neither any legislation nor there is any clear approach in the domestic legislative canon in Pakistan which requires conceptual consideration and synthesis of approaches. Only then, after those policy decisions have been made it will be possible to bring the legal framework into compliance with the requirements of a healthcare system emphasizing human rights in patient care. Hence, with regard to the issues in ‘deliberation extensively required’ as compared to the other categories, there is a longer road ahead before legislative amendments can be made to effectively address these issues. In the area of patient safety, Pakistan first needs to formulate a state policy on the topic and then bring the legislation into compliance with such policy. The work determines different stages of heirs mentioned above. The approach towards this issue should include at least two areas: regulation and implementation. For regulation, legislation needs to be improved with respect to patient rights and patient safety. For implementation, the competent and impartial authorized agency or authority be established to determine policy and safety standards etc at national level for enforcing these concepts in true letter and spirit. In addition, it is necessary to implement projects and activities aimed at eliminating specific risks that pose a danger to patient and provider occupational safety. To accomplish needed progress in the rights of healthcare providers, we recommend that a special section in the healthcare legislation of Pakistan be dedicated to regulating and guaranteeing the rights of healthcare providers as well. At least, legislative amendments must cover issues such as contractual rights of healthcare providers and protections covering faith and religion because here in Pakistan a general tradition is that people attribute any calamity or loss during the process of medical treatment as ‘Act of God or destination’. Part-II PM DC Reformation The role of the council is replete with criticism because of multiple reasons which we have already discussed earlier. Therefore, at this stage the following suggestions are given: The Council must function under strict check and balance system empowering and authorizing the same to reevaluate the registration, performance, terms and conditions of licenses of the healthcare professionals on annual basis by making required amendments and alteration in section 31 of the PM DC Ordinance, 1962 which empowers the council to cancel the registration of a negligent doctor, reads as, â€Å"The council (PM DC) in its discretion may refuse to permit the registration of any person or direct the removal altogether, for a specified period, of the name of any registered medical practitioner or dentist who has been convicted of any such offence; has been held by the council guilty of infamous conduct in any professional respect or who has shown himself to be unfit to continue in practice on account of ill mental health or other grounds.† Secondly, through a cumbersome procedure a complaint is supposed to filed by the aggrieved patient before the registrar or the legal head of the PM DC or the president regarding any negligence of doctors [1] but what would be the outcome or timeframe of such hectic procedure strictly followed by the aggrieved patient regarding the injury or loss he suffered through medical malpractice? Law is silent. Weather this council is authorized to take action against any private hospital? The ordinance is also silent about this as well. Here, on this point again the PM DC laws are completely silent which calls for overall reform of the Pakistan Medical Dental Council Ordinance, 1962 in line with international standards where many countries tried to reduce the risk of malpractice which cannot be eliminated 100% because the risk of mistakes and errors of judgment will always be there even if factors like self-interest are removed completely but in some hospital strict standard operating procedures that are checked and evaluated by third parties like, professional bodies of doctors, medical staff, state authorities and insurance companies. Since its establishments, the Council is being run and administered by medical practitioners for personal gains or joins the executive body as tool to run their private medical entities, units or set up and not for the benefit of the profession, the patients to diligently improving the standard of medical education, training and licensing and likewise, the body has almost no power to restore the license of a medical practitioner once it has been revoke. The basic and derived patients’ right (non-enforceable rights) also called ethical codes be incorporated along with the basic rights. The critics, objects this point because of its nonbinding character as these ethical codes have no statutory base, therefore, cannot be legally enforced. Voluntarily and non-enforceable basis of non-statutory code has drawbacks which could only be avoided through legislation. Part-III Amendments in PPC More so, a remedy through courts is always there but it adds more salt to the wound of aggrieved patients who is already suffered facing the prospect of losing a limb or his life. Therefore, the penalties for medical malpractice or negligence be introduced to prevent negligence from occurring if healthcare intentionally does anything with actus rea and mins rea the concerned be booked under penal code as well and all those laws giving them immunity be repealed. The quackery can’t be eliminated from our society unless with this regards some amendments are not introduced in PPC. S. (XXIX) of The Punjab Healthcare Commission Act, 2010 defines â€Å"quack† a pretender providing health services without having registration of the Medical and Dental Council, Council for Tibb, Council for Homeopathy and Nursing Council and saved its skin from criminal jurisdiction. Section 40 PPC defines word a thing made punishable by PPC, and further defines in section 44 word injury as any harm illegally caused to any person, in body, mind, reputation or property and section 416 personation, a person is said to cheat by personation if he cheats by pretending to be some other person, or by knowingly substituting one person for another, or representing that he or any other person is a person other than he or such other person really is while section 419 deals with Punishment for cheating by personation: Whoever cheats by personation shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine, or with both. Unfortunately, quackery can be made an offence by making a slight amendment in PPC in the sections mentioned above but domestic trends protect this menace under the garb of technicalities. The question arises why so far against quackery none has been booked under penal code? Part-IV Miscellaneous Steps Awareness through electronic and print media: Average patients don’t know about their rights exactly what kind of service or limitations of their expectations. Separate Road Track for Emergency Services National Highway Authority must ensure that a separate track is lying on all roads for emergency. At government level, the general public be trained through celebrating ambulance week periodically for educating the masses about handling the emergency situation. Rules for Prescription Format The researcher as precautionary measures suggest that there must be a prescribed format for prescription and overleaf written all the basic rights and remedies of patients, with mandatory additional note:- I have diagnosed on ___________the Day of __________and fully understood the nature of the ailment of Mr / Ms. /____________________ and I feel fully competent to deal with the nature of ailment, hence, don’t refer to any other specialist doctor. The rules for prescription must be modernized through review keeping in view the Article 11 of the EU Directive on Patients Rights Rules for Pharmacies At national level all drugs and medicines classified as either the ‘Over the Counter Drugs’ or ‘Prescription only Drugs’; the prescribed drugs must only be sold by the pharmacies on the prescription of registered medical practices by PM DC. Social Security Framework: Can we replace tort compensation with a social security framework that serves victims patients like in 1972, New Zealand introduced the first ‘Universal No-Fault Insurance Scheme’ that provide compensation by the government-run Accident Compensation Corporation irrespective of negligence or malpractice whose goal may be to achieve equality of compensation and reducing different costs of litigation. In the 1970s, Australia and the United Kingdom drew up proposals for similar no-fault schemes but they were later abandoned but in Pakistan with certain amendments in this sector the goals can be achieved. [1], browsed on 12-4-2014

Friday, September 20, 2019

lighthod Voyage into the Darkness in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness :: Heart Darkness essays

Voyage into the Heart of Darkness The voyage into the "Heart of Darkness" is told to us through the eyes of Charlie Marlow. As Marlow is aboard the "Nellie" he tells his story of expedition and growth. The men on the boat sit still yet bored. Marlow is like an old man sharing a story of his childhood, that for himself may be of great significance, and lead to a lesson, but the children yearn to hear a story of magic, castles and sword fights. Joseph Conrad uses Marlow's character to get across and express his own opinion. The story Marlow shares with the other men, is a story of reflection. It is a mirror, like most experiences are. Experiences in our lives that teach us and reveal something in our lives that had to be fixed. In this case Marlow (or Conrad) uses Africa as the mirror into the hearts of early Europeans that wished to colonize and only help profit the "less unfortunate". What was it exactly that this unchartered land had in store for Marlow? As Marlow tells his story we see and understand the situations Marlow faced. In his first encounter with the tribes men, Marlow steps into a "gloomy circle of some inferno", where dark figures surrounded him. He compares this incident with that of a massacre, the starving and wasting bodies lying in "confusion". Marlow then encounters a young black boy with a piece of white cotton string tied around his neck. This simple piece of string symbolizes the young boy's innocence. Shortly after Marlow offers the boy a biscuit, another one of the shapes approaches the river , crawling, and drinks of the water. Marlow could not stand the sight of the suffering any longer. It was as though he felt what they were feeling and just when he was willing to help, he stands up and walks away. The path where Marlow meets those that had traveled to an unknown land, and walked uncertain of where they where but sure of what they wanted, started here. The patchwork young man ,( the Russian) is the only one in the jungle without an interest in gaining something out of the jungle, except for his own "breathing space". His devotion for Kurtz is an admiration out of ignorance and perhaps even innocence. Through the Russian Marlow learns a great deal about who Kurtz really is.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Reaction to Mean Streets ::

Reaction Paper to Mean Streets Mean Streets' greatest influence in American cinema was not on directors or scriptwriters (though its influence there was considerable) but rather on actors. The film has Harvey Keitel (as Charlie) at its center, whose solidity and slight dullness as an actor keeps the film from spinning off into total anarchy; but it is Robert De Niro's Johnny Boy (Charlie's wild, self-destructive friend whom he looks out for with all the obsessiveness of an older brother) that gives the film its charge. Johnny Boy dances and gyrates and leaps and spins about the edges of the film, continually threatening to take it into and out of chaos (which he finally does). De Niro's performance, which remains as hilarious and breath-taking as ever - was a revelation at the time. De Niro took naturalistic, "method" acting to new highs, and his Johnny Boy is possibly the very first performance of its kind. It's a genuine portrayal of a street punk whose charm and obnoxiousness are almost uncannily intertwined - you can't despise Johnny Boy, but you can't respect him much, either. You just have to love him. It's easy enough to imagine Charlie's frustration over this kid - De Niro's work here adds depth and veracity to Keitel's, and the two actors work so well together that some of their scenes ? like the one they have together in Taxi Driver - have an almost hallucinatory buzz to them. Aside from its acting, the other major influence which Mean Streets had upon American film-makers was through it's use of a rock n' roll soundtrack (almost perfectly integrated with the images), and in its depiction of a new kind of screen violence. Unexpected, volatile, explosive and wholly senseless, yet, for all that, undeniably cinematic violence. The way in which Scorsese blends these two - the rock and roll and the violence - shows that he understood instinctively, better than anyone else until then, that cinema (or at least this kind of cinema, the kinetic, visceral kind) and rock n' roll are both expressions of revolutionary instincts, and that they are as inherently destructive as they are creative. This simple device - brutal outbreaks of violence combined with an upbeat soundtrack - has been taken up by both the mainstream cinema at large and by many individual `auteurs', all of whom are in Scorsese's debt - Stone and Tarantino coming at once to mind. Reaction to Mean Streets :: Reaction Paper to Mean Streets Mean Streets' greatest influence in American cinema was not on directors or scriptwriters (though its influence there was considerable) but rather on actors. The film has Harvey Keitel (as Charlie) at its center, whose solidity and slight dullness as an actor keeps the film from spinning off into total anarchy; but it is Robert De Niro's Johnny Boy (Charlie's wild, self-destructive friend whom he looks out for with all the obsessiveness of an older brother) that gives the film its charge. Johnny Boy dances and gyrates and leaps and spins about the edges of the film, continually threatening to take it into and out of chaos (which he finally does). De Niro's performance, which remains as hilarious and breath-taking as ever - was a revelation at the time. De Niro took naturalistic, "method" acting to new highs, and his Johnny Boy is possibly the very first performance of its kind. It's a genuine portrayal of a street punk whose charm and obnoxiousness are almost uncannily intertwined - you can't despise Johnny Boy, but you can't respect him much, either. You just have to love him. It's easy enough to imagine Charlie's frustration over this kid - De Niro's work here adds depth and veracity to Keitel's, and the two actors work so well together that some of their scenes ? like the one they have together in Taxi Driver - have an almost hallucinatory buzz to them. Aside from its acting, the other major influence which Mean Streets had upon American film-makers was through it's use of a rock n' roll soundtrack (almost perfectly integrated with the images), and in its depiction of a new kind of screen violence. Unexpected, volatile, explosive and wholly senseless, yet, for all that, undeniably cinematic violence. The way in which Scorsese blends these two - the rock and roll and the violence - shows that he understood instinctively, better than anyone else until then, that cinema (or at least this kind of cinema, the kinetic, visceral kind) and rock n' roll are both expressions of revolutionary instincts, and that they are as inherently destructive as they are creative. This simple device - brutal outbreaks of violence combined with an upbeat soundtrack - has been taken up by both the mainstream cinema at large and by many individual `auteurs', all of whom are in Scorsese's debt - Stone and Tarantino coming at once to mind.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Death Penalty Ess

Capital Punishment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Capital punishment is a very controversial issue, but it is a just penalty for murderers. Murderers forfeit their lives for taking the life of another. Capital punishment deters criminals from committing violet crimes. Incapacitating criminals is also another form of deterrence. The death penalty removes harmful criminals from society. In doing this, people can feel much safer knowing that there is one less criminal on the streets. The death penalty is also more economical than life without parole. Capital punishment is good for society, and should be used in a more timely manner.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Punishment is used to decrease a person’s actions. The severity of the punishment depends on the severity of the crime. Capital punishment is not used to be cruel, but it is used to decrease a person’s actions. Capital punishment helps to decrease violent actions, and without it there would be nothing to decrease a person’s actions. Everyone who receives the death penalty must have committed a capital offense.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is an important rule in the civil law to keep in mind. The rule is that the punishment should not exceed the crime. This means if someone were to steal a package of bubble gum, he or she should not be sentenced to death, but if someone went around killing people, then he or she should get the death penalty. I think that capital punishment should only be used for serious crimes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although there are many arguments that disagree with capit...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

One Lie Leads to Another Essay

The allegory that you might be interpreting in â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening† is one of obligations that a person has that should be done before the end of the day or the end of their life. What obligations or responsibilities do you feel the pressure to come back to at the end of a day—cooking, children, pets, taking care of your family? When are the â€Å"promises† we need to keep made explicit, and when do they remain unspoken? The evening is â€Å"the darkest evening of the year,† winter solstice. It is also the shortest, in a period of cold and darkness. The images of the frozen lake, the dark, the deep, could be used to argue that Frost is thinking of death. Death here is beckoning, an escape from care. The repeated lines at the end seem to reinforce the heavy sense of obligation. They make the â€Å"promises† seem more weighty, inescapable. Therefore, while the poem is laden with images of death, the poem hearkens to life and ful filling responsibilities before it is too late. The poem ends with the repeated phrase â€Å"†¦miles to go†¦.† There is always something a person can do before it is too late. So in a sense, life is reaffirming even at the end. Ruskin bond Ruskin Bond was born on19th may 1934 in a military hospital in Kasauli, to Edith Clerke and Aubrey Bond. His siblings were Ellen and William. Ruskin’s father was with the Royal Air Force. When Bond was four years old, his mother separated from his father and married a Punjabi-Hindu, Mr. Hari, who himself had been married once. Bond spent his early childhood in Jamnagar and Shimla. At the age of ten Ruskin went to live at his grandmother’s house in Dehradun after his father’s sudden death in 1944 from malaria. Ruskin was raised by his mother, who remarried an Indian businessman. He completed his schooling at Bishop Cotton School in Shimla, from where he graduated in 1952 after winning several writing competitions in the school like the Irwin Divinity Prize and the Hailey Literature Prize.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Drinking Coffee Elsewhere

Drinking Coffee Elsewhere is a very interesting story that brings up a number of thought-provoking issues in a relatively short format. Among these are questions of race, identity, and stereotyping. The narrator of the story is a young woman named Dina who feels lonely and confused in her new surroundings. As a poor, African American female at Yale (which the narrator portrays as a rich, male, and subtlety racist institution) she has difficulty adapting to the expectations of the university. From the very beginning, her differences set her apart from her classmates, until, from her point of view, she becomes a pariah, invisible and despised by the community. Of course, one must view these complaints with some skepticism. The narrator deliberately isolates herself with off-hand comments and antisocial behavior. She seems to take pride in her jarring attitude toward authority and friendliness. Only on rare occasions do we see her treated poorly by the other characters. While her behavior is rude and obnoxious, they seem to be welcoming and sincere in their attempts to reconcile her depression. It soon becomes apparent that Dina finds comfort in her intentional isolation. She takes some satisfaction from stereotyping others unfairly and irrationally, since stereotypes provide a simple and lazy detour around human interaction. The narrator in Drinking Coffee Elsewhere has many problems with communication that prevent her from forming healthy relationships. During her sessions with the school psychiatrist, his probing questions provide a window into some of the difficulties she has. One of his most insightful statements is that Dina’s constant deceptions and dismissals have accustomed her to an offensive reaction. Whenever someone asks her a question her response belittles and mystifies them. Because she has set herself up for this attitude it is a natural custom. For example, in the first few pages, during an exercise designed for incoming freshman, the students choose an object they would like to be. The game inspires creativity and helps the freshmen get to know each other. Dina, disgusted by her classmate’s insipid choices, states that she would be a revolver. This response, obviously meant to shock and discomfort her peers, earns Dina her psychiatric evaluations. Many other examples occur throughout the story. In a meeting with the psychiatrist, the doctor asks Dina about her sexual history. This question create tension in different ways, such as sexuality, class, relationships, and shame. Typically, Dina invents a ridiculous story about losing her virginity spontaneously and foolishly. Because of her stereotyping attitude, Dina assumes that the white, male doctor would expect her, a poor, black girl, to do these sorts of things. She derails what could have been an important and intriguing discussion of Dina’s insecurities into what she thinks the doctor expects. Later, he calls this attitude her survival mechanism of a â€Å"black living in a white world. † It’s an interesting assertion, if not entirely fair to the people of all races who succeed without such pointless and insulting tactics. Ultimately, Drinking Coffee Elsewhere is a story of regret. At the end of the tale, Dina gives a heartfelt reminiscence of her college days, now long past, and the opportunities she missed and friendships she broke. One person in particular, Heidi, could have been a close and important friend. Instead, Dina’s harsh and unpleasant demeanor severed a deep connection. In fact, Dina’s quick and thoughtless speaking leads her to belittle the death of Heidi’s mother. This error draws attention to Dr. Raeburn’s original warning: that Dina’s tendency to speak nonsense would become an unfortunate habit. The warning applies to the reader as well, encouraging us to speak thoughtfully and honestly in all human interactions.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Memento Film Analysis Paper Essay

Memento (2001), a film that was written and directed by Christopher Nolan, has captivated the attention of movie and puzzle enthusiasts everywhere. Some may call it a Drama or Mystery, or even a Thriller or a Neo-Noir film, whatever the case is, this film fits most, if not all, of these categories. Memento is a film about a man, Leonard Shelby who lives his life with Anterograde Amnesia which leaves him incapable of making new memories. He spends the time in this film putting pieces of a puzzle together that will hopefully lead him to find the man who raped and killed his wife. Christopher Nolan takes us through a crazy journey that involves twists and turns, Fear and Anxiety and even a feeling of Paranoia that leaves us questioning who we should really trust in the film. This psychological mystery allows us to see the film as neo-noir because of the flawed protagonist which is reflected in the main character, Leonard. With the disability our main character and narrator has, it might give some viewers a feeling of uneasiness and may even not trust him entirely which gives the feeling of paranoia in not knowing who in the film is telling us the truth and who is lying to us. The story is told in a confusing way, if one were to not pay attention for a short period of time, it may be certain that you will be lost in the film. One has to truly pay up most attention in order to fully process everything that is going on, one viewing may not even be enough, a second viewing may help us catch things that were previously missed or even hidden in plain sight, but the film keeps us with the anxiety of wanting to know what happens next which allows this film to catch our attention even after one viewing. Memento is a film that can fall under many genres of film, I will however, be focusing on the genres of Drama, Mystery and Thriller. The film includes many different elements which allow the film to fall under these three main genres. A drama is often described as a film â€Å"that relies on the emotional and relational development of realistic characters. † Most of the emotional development could be seen through the characters of Leonard and Natalie, who seem to develop an intimate relationship. This is in a way hinted to us during a scene where we see Leonard waking up in bed next to Natalie. Drama is also seen when â€Å"dramatic themes play a huge role in the plot. See more: how to write an analysis paper on an article examples † Leonard is often questioning what the truth is and what isn’t, thanks to his rare case of amnesia he is often seen to be in conflict with himself and those around him. The purpose of a drama is to tell an honest story of human struggles; the struggles that Leonard goes through could be the same that one may go through when faced with the rare case of amnesia. The Mystery genre seems to be thrown at us with the many examples that we are given throughout the entire film. A mystery usually â€Å"centers on a person of authority, usually a detective that is trying to solve a mysterious crime. † The crime that is trying to be solved is the murder of Leonard’s wife, the murder is shrouded with mystery not only because of Leonard’s inability to remember, but also because of the very limited clues that we’re given. This genre could also tie into other genres such as Crime Fiction, Revenge, and Crime Thriller. The biggest element that the mystery genre has is the feeling of â€Å"whodunit†. This â€Å"whodunit† is usually described as the story that gives the identity of the murderer at the end. Memento also fits under the genre of Thriller which usually revolves around the anticipation and suspense in a film. They do this in their genres in order to keep the audience wanting more or for that edge of their seat excitement. Christopher Nolan does an excellent job with this genre; the way the film was presented helps this genre so much more. With the story being told to us backwards we want to know why things are happening, often times other films have us wondering what will happen next, but this film has us thinking, what happened before the event that we just saw. With the many genres presented, it’s no surprise that Memento would have an element of  confusion to it. The story itself may be confusing, but I rather want to talk about the characters within the film. Leonard Shelby suffers from a rare case of Anterograde Amnesia, according to the science section of the website HowStuffWorks. com anterograde amnesia means you have difficulty of making new memories and absorbing new information. Leonard Shelby being our main narrator throughout the film, we seem to trust and believe everything he tells us, this is due to the fact that we are so used to watching films that tell us that the narrator is a reliable subject. Leonard Shelby having this handicap makes us feel some sort of sympathy for him which makes believe he is reliable, but having a condition where you cannot remember how a conversation began once it has ended, leaves us wondering how can we believe this man if he can’t even remember how he got to the point in which he is now. We watch the film thinking of who is lying to us, who is telling us the truth, what’s going to happen, towards the end we seem to build a trust with our main narrator because we’ve seen the struggle he’s gone through and the situations  he’s had to face in order to find the murder who killed his wife. To our surprise, once we get reach the ending of the film, which in reality is the beginning, we see that Leonard has been lying to us the entire time. Character development in a film is crucial because it allows us to see who we can categorize to be the â€Å"good guy† or the â€Å"bad guy†, the non-linear narrative presented to us in Memento allowed Christopher Nolan to play with the way he presented his characters and make us believe the people who were truly lying to us.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Prepare to report your recommendations Essay

Rosabeth Kanter (1979) argues that much of what is labeled â€Å"poor management† in organizations is simply individuals protecting their diminished power bases. Instead of criticizing these managers as incompetent, she proposes we bolster their feelings of personal power. If we solve the real problem of perceived lack of power, the undesirable symptoms of poor leadership often evaporate. This point of view is consistent with the principles discussed in this chapter. Assignment In this exercise, you are asked to give advice to individuals who feel powerless. For each of the situations below, form groups to explore opportunities for enhancing the power base of these three individuals. Prepare to report your recommendations. Situation 1: First-Line Supervisor Kate Shalene has been a first-line supervisor for six months. She was proud of her new promotion, but surprised to discover she felt increasingly powerless. Instead of being a stepping stone, this position was feeling more and more like a dead end. Managers above her were about her age and the hoped-for company expansion never materialized. She was not a central part of the organization, and she felt no one ever noticed her unless she messed up. She was expected to be supportive of her subordinates, but they never returned the favor. She was expected to absorb their flack without support from above. In general, she felt as though she was constantly â€Å"getting it from both ends. † Her job was extremely rule-bound, so she had little discretion in what she did or how she did it. She had only modest control over the pay or benefits of her subordinates, because their union agreement left very little flexibility. So she felt powerless to reward them or punish them in ways that really mattered. As a result, she found she was more and more apt to impose rules to get subordinates to do what she wanted. She became increasingly jealous of any successes and recognition achieved by her subordinates, so she tended to isolate them from people higher up in the organization and from complete information. She lost her penchant for informality and became increasingly rigid in following standard operating procedures. Predictably, her subordinates were becoming more resentful and less productive. Situation 2: Staff Professional Shawn Quinn came to the organization a year ago as a staff professional. He believed it might be a way for him to achieve considerable visibility with the top brass, but instead he felt isolated and forgotten. As a staff officer, he had almost no decision-making authority except in his narrow area of expertise. Most of what went on in the organization occurred without his involvement. Innovation and entrepreneurial activity were completely out of his realm. While some of the line officers were given opportunities for professional development, no one seemed to care about his becoming more experienced and capable. They saw him only as a specialist. Because his job didn’t require that he work with others, he had little opportunity to cultivate relationships that might lead to contacts with someone near the top. What hurt was that a consultant had been hired a few times to work on projects that were part of his area. If consultants could be brought in to do his work, he thought, he must not be very important to the organization. Shawn found himself being more and more turf conscious. He didn’t want others encroaching on his area of expertise. He tried to demonstrate his competence to others, but the more he did so, the more he became defined as a specialist, outside the mainstream of the organization. Overall, he felt he was losing ground in his career. Situation 3: Top Executive May Phelps has been a top executive for three years now. When she obtained the position, she felt that her ultimate career goal had been achieved. Now she was not so sure. Surprisingly, she discovered myriad constraints limiting her discretion and initiative. For example, the job had so many demands and details associated with it that she never had time to engage in any long-term planning. There always seemed to be one more crisis that demanded her attention. Unfortunately, most of the constraints were from sources she couldn’t control, such as government regulations, demands for greater accountability made by the board of directors and by stockholders, union relationships, equal opportunity statutes, and so on. She had built her reputation as a successful manager by being entrepreneurial, creative, and innovative, but none of those qualities seemed appropriate for the demands of her current work. Furthermore, because she was so mired in operations, she had become more and more out of touch with the information flow in the organization. Some things had to remain confidential with her, but her secrecy made others unwilling to share information with her. She had assistants who were supposed to be monitoring the organization and providing her with information, but she often felt they only told her what she wanted to hear. May had begun to hear rumors that certain special-interest groups were demanding her removal from the top job. She responded by becoming more dictatorial and defensive, with the result that the organization was becoming more control-oriented and conservative. She felt that she was on a downward spiral, but she couldn’t find a way to reverse the trend. â€Å"I always thought the saying ‘It’s lonely at the top’ was just a metaphor,† she mused.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Political Communication in the Global Age - Does political advertising Essay

Political Communication in the Global Age - Does political advertising undermine or support democracy - Essay Example Most of their competitive campaigns include huge numbers of advertisements and negative appeal. Such campaigns can overwhelm voters. It makes them think these communications are manipulative and may turn them off. However, at the same time, such communications and campaigns are responsible for giving people access to information, keeping them up to date and engaged, it mobilizes them, gives them choice, gives them freedom, help those who are politically unsophisticated and bring many other advantages that positively impact democracy. Political advertising supports democracy by giving people choice and access to information as it is but to enable it to facilitate order and democracy even more, it should be driven by some regulations. More research needs to be carried out to identify gaps in political advertising versus democracy. When customers are in the process of making a decision about a commercial product – whether to buy it or not; they need to have information about that product. Better yet, they should be able to engage and interact with the product to get a better idea about it. In my opinion, having this information makes these customers powerful and facilitates decision-making. However, whether this decision is the â€Å"best† one or not is unclear until customers actually start using a product after purchase. Similarly, before voting, customers might need relevant information to be able to vote. At the same time however, well-equipped and even better funded candidates and political parties can devastate the voter with their political advertising campaigns that may include negative, competitive and attack ads. This paper will look at the arguments for and against political advertising and its relationship with democracy. It will then conclude whether political advertising undermines or supports democracy. To give readers a head start, the following section will explain what political advertising is and how, as a marketing tool,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Racial Discrimination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Racial Discrimination - Research Paper Example The enforcement of laws under Title VII is done by The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and does not protect age discrimination or disability discrimination that are dealt by the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Employers under the jurisdiction of Title VII include private sector companies whose commercial operations affect â€Å"interstate commerce† and who employ 15 or more employees, Federal, state, and local government employers, Unions, Employment agencies (making hiring referrals). The law permits discrimination on religion, sex, and national origin if there is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) rationally essential for standard business operations. Organizations that are exempted from Title VII prohibitions and protections are religious organizations, scholastic institutions, or societies, employing persons of a particular religion; bona fide, tax-exempt private clubs; contracts that contain a Bona fi de occupational qualification necessary to perform the job; and aliens employed outside the United States. It is important to note that Title VII does not prohibit all discrimination. Employers are open to study factors such as experience; job knowledge, personality characteristics, provided those factors are interconnected to the job in question. Title VII remedies include reinstatement, back pay, damages and attorney's fees (Feldman, Fox & Morgado, PA). Backpay and similar retrospective support, presented to recipients of employer discrimination, is proposed to reimburse individuals for monetary losses straightforwardly traceable to discriminatory practices. Front pay is remuneration granted for lost compensation (opportunity cost) during the period between judgment and reinstatement. Similar to back pay, front pay fundamentally is the counterpart of lost incomes. A principal petitioner can recover attorney fees under Title VII, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Furthermore, main parties recover "costs" which include filing fees, transcripts, and other entries. Punitive damages exist in cases result from under Title VII (discrimination because of race, sex, national origin, and religion) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but not the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). These damages are created to reprimand past misconducts and discourage future wrongdoings, and the plaintiff must demonstrate that the employer acted with "malice" or in irresponsible neglect for federally protected legal rights. Elements necessary to establish a prima facie case of employment discrimination? The plaintiff must initially present a prima facie case of discrimination. A prima facie case is that minimum amount of evidence required to claim a legitimate question of discrimination (Air Force Alternative Dispute Resolution Program).

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Action Plan Development for Administration of Medicine Essay

Action Plan Development for Administration of Medicine - Essay Example The preparation of an action plan is quite vital in ensuring student and practicing nurses achieve their objectives. Thus, instead of worrying about the future, it pays to start planning for it through action plans. The main steps in the drafting of an action plan include the identification of objectives, the setting of achievable and measurable objectives, prioritisation of tasks and the identification of the necessary steps to achieving goals. The other steps include being able to effectively work under pressure and complete tasks in time. By writing down objectives, one’s goals and dreams are turned into plans, provided the plan is thought out, acted on and reflected upon. Importantly, a timetable would ensure a nurse’s action plan is effective, has clear-set goals and defined steps. This action plan on administration of medicine explores the areas in which I have tangible and sufficient coverage, knowledge and skills and the areas that need improvement. Moreover, th e action plan covers the strategies, interventions and the timetable by which the improvements will be achieved. Achievements in Drug Administration At this level of my nursing course, I have covered quite a vast area as far as medication administration is concerned. Most important in the areas covered are the general implications and principles of medication administrations. Although a common practice among nurses, medicine administration is a rather crucial clinical procedure, which refers to the manner in which medicine is delivered and controlled. In fact, the manner in which medicine is administered determines the probability of a patient gaining any clinical benefits or suffering diverse effects of medication (Doerr-MacEwen & Haight, 2006). Among the major areas of medication administration so far covered include the factors affecting drug bioavailability, types/routes of drug administration, and NMC’s guide for administration of medicines among other areas. Drug bioava ilability refers to the proportion of an administered medication, which actually reaches a patient’s systemic circulation and is distributed to the intended action site using the different routes of administration result that result in different levels of bioavailability. This is an important knowledge on medicine administration given that nurses should understand the best route that would yield the most bioavailability for a drug. For instance, drugs delivered through direct IV injection supposedly have 100% bioavailability. In addition, certain types of drugs are absorbed best in certain organs or systems of the body. For example, if administered so that they are absorbed by the gastrointestinal mucosa, certain medicines could end up having bioavailability comparable to that of an IV injected drugs. Unfortunately, many drugs lack the level of bioavailability by the oral route, implying that they their oral dosage is usually higher than if given parenterally, which refers to the administration of a medication into the body via routes other than the gastro-intestinal tract (Miller &Miller, 2011). These routes could be infusion, injection or implantation. Routes of Administration Routes of administration are the other concepts of administration of medicine that I have covered well so far. There are numerous routes by which medicine may be delivered into the systemic circulation of a patient, each with its strengths and weaknesses. It is thus imperative that nurses understand these routes’ implications, effectiveness, weaknesses, strengths, and patient experience.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Mao's paintings in Cultural Revolution and contemporary Chinese Art Term Paper

Mao's paintings in Cultural Revolution and contemporary Chinese Art - Term Paper Example The essay "Mao's paintings in Cultural Revolution and contemporary Chinese Art" discovers the Chinese contemporary Art and Mao's paintings in the context of Evaluation of Political Implication. This essay shall focus on the paintings of Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution of China and upon the matrix of the paintings by Zedong; a comparative study of the contemporary Chinese art shall enable to comprehend the different political messages inherent in the paintings evolving in different periods of Chinese history and cultural history. In order to compare the paintings of Mao during the Cultural Revolution in China with that of contemporary Chinese art, it is quintessential to understand the fact at the outset of the essay itself regarding the sources of the images of Mao Zedong in the Chinese art. If the span of leadership and influence of Mao Zedong is introspected from a close contour, it culminates into an inference that Zedong has reigned in the Chinese political regime for i n excess of a half century. This tenure is quite elaborate in nature; as a result the Chinese culture and art also underwent massive changes within the stipulated time frame. Not only did Chinese culture and society experience a massive change but also the Chinese art was not spared from the transformation the society was experiencing. In a very unprecedented manner, Chinese art experienced reforms that were related largely with its ideologies and presentations. Captivating the imprints of the revolutionary era., Chinese art evolved as one of the most celebrated and important facets of history of art in the world. Mao was dead but his physical death did not cease his eventual influence upon the people of China. Yan Shanchun correctly remarks in the essay, â€Å"The Image of Mao Zedong and Contemporary Chinese Art†, â€Å"Maoist’s thoughts on literature and art, and indeed his image, were the imperative factors in Chinese art movements in the entire later half of the t wentieth century† (Jiehong, 2007). It has been very rightly observed that most of the portraits of Mao Zedong have been sketched from the photographs of the great leader. The photographs of Mao since the initiation of the art of photography during the middle of the nineteenth century influenced the portraiture of Zedong. With the growing years, the influence of the soviet communist leaders on the cultural domain of China started gaining grounds. If the China’s political ideology is revised then it can be well observed that during the late 1950s the ideological foundation of China’s political philosophy found its base from the two elements; Marxism–Leninism evolved as a pure theory and the thought process of Mao Zedong acted as a practical ideology, a thought that was executed. And, in the similar fashion, the communist leaders were being worshipped in the houses and streets of Russia, the portrait of Mao Zedong started appearing in the walls, stations and important crossing across the country enabling a rage of personal cult worshipping in China (, 2013). Comparison While executing the introspection of the paintings of the great leader Mao Zedong during the years of Cultural Revolution and after the siege of the revolution which falls under the era of the contemporary Chinese art, a great variety in the size, transformation regarding the strategies of painting propagandas, and compositions

Airline mergers case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Airline mergers case study - Essay Example (Holtz and Grimme, 2009, p. 13) An ‘Open Skies’ agreement was signed between USA and European in 2007 that enabled the merged firms to ‘change their ownership structure’ and to get maximum voting rights from Dutch Government authorities. Indeed, the Air France and KLM then became subsidiaries of newly formed KLM – Air France. This was quite helpful in building shareholders’ confidence over top management of new company. (Holtz and Grimme, 2009, p. 14) The governments were paying special attention to develop environmental security laws and regulations to grapple with increasingly large menace of global warming. The demand of air travel was constantly growing since 2002 because of phenomenal economic growth and increase in real incomes in both developed West and emerging nations. This in turn created more opportunities for airlines that later resulted in higher monetary gains, however, the competition among firms increased substantially because of new entrants joined the arena. Indeed, the conditions were quite favorable because of skyrocketing demand for cargo services besides normal visitors. The merger would have easily increased business efficiency, market share and consumer reach. (Friesen, 2005) The increase in employment opportunities and business scope improved the standard of living across the world. Consumers, therefore, were inclined to use air travel services in their leisure. Similarly, business personnel were also required travel services to reach their destinations abroad for negotiation with partners, dealers and parties. Hence, propensity to spend for air travel had increased. (Katarzyna, 2004) The special attention was paid to develop modernised aircrafts with greater seat capacity, range and fuel-efficiency to minimise the threat of carbon emission and pollution. Indeed, the new aircrafts were produced to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. The bargaining power of customers was medium due to the fact the